English follows Japanese. 二十四節気は穀雨、穀物を育てる雨が降る頃。藤をモチーフとした道明寺羹「松見草」、お茶会向けオーダーメイド。藤の花の松見草という別名は、古来より藤の花は振り袖に見えることから女性にたとえられ、松は幹が太くどっしりと構えている姿から男性にたとえられており、藤の花はやさしく松を見ているように感じられることからつけられたのだそうです。寒暖差が大きいですね、お体ご自愛ください。
”Kokuu”, one of the twenty-four periods of the solar year, begin on April 20. Here is "Matsumigusa," a sweets made of matcha green tea, agar and glutinous rice flour featuring wisteria flowers as its motif. Custom order for a Japanese tea ceremony. Wisteria flowers, also known as Matsumigusa, are beautiful flowers that resemble a gentle gaze towards the pine trees. This nickname comes from the fact that wisteria flowers have long been associated with women, while pine trees are often compared to men.