Wagashi + Kohakuto. Studio.
Welcome to Wagshi Studio. I am Toshiko Sugii Steffes, a Japanese confection "WAGASHI" designer, and making WAGASHI in Japan and USA. I am fascinated by the beauty of WAGASHI, which is expressive of the four seasons and nature. My creations are boundless as there is so much variety and sophistication in WAGASHI techniques. My Kohakuto (Kohakutou) Crystal Jelly Candy recipe book was published in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
和菓子・琥珀糖スタジオへようこそ。和菓子作家の杉井ステフェス淑子です。季節を映し出す和菓子の美しさ、歴史の深さ、優しい味に魅了されて、日本とアメリカで和菓子を作っています。「甘くてかわいい、食べられる宝石 琥珀糖のレシピ」を日本、台湾・香港にて上梓。