”Ryokuin (緑陰)” Kohakuto crystal jelly candy for "Rikka(立夏)." ”Ryokuin” is the Japanese term for the shade created by the leaves and branches of trees and other plants. It provides dappled sunlight, cool breeze, and creates a comfortable environment.
"Rikka(立夏)" is one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional East Asian calendar, starting on May 6th. It falls on the day when the solar longitude reaches 45 degrees, indicating the beginning of the summer season with a rise in temperature.
24節気は「立夏(りっか)」。太陽の黄経が45度になり、気温が高くなり、夏の訪れを感じる季節の始まりを表します。緑陰 琥珀糖。