Koubai no nioi
"Kasane no irome" In the court of the Heian period (794-1185), the beautiful color scheme of overlapping garments was called "kasane no irome," and each color combination was named. Names were taken from flowers of the seasons or celebration themes. This Kohakutou crystal jelly candy expresses the elegant culture of the old Japanese court, which valued the colors that colored the seasons and events.Koubai no nioi means ”Red plum fragrance” and this color combination is the color of plum blossoms in spring.
”襲の色目” 平安時代の宮廷では、衣服の重なりの美しい配色を襲の色目(かさねのいろめ)と呼び、春夏秋冬、またお祝いの意味を込めた名前がそれぞれにつけられました。宮廷生活の中での季節や行事において、色を大切にした雅な王朝文化を表した琥珀糖です。紅梅の匂いは、梅の花の咲く時期の色合いです。