English follows Japanese. 秋分の日、そしてお彼岸ですね。今年も9種類のおはぎを作りました。定番の小豆あん、黒ごま、きなこ。そして、かぼちゃ・さつまいも・枝豆・豆腐のあんを作って、おはぎに仕立てました。今風にあんこを絞ったり、フルーツやナッツも飾ってみました。
It's the autumnal equinox. This year, we made 9 kinds of ohagi again. We made the standard red bean paste, black sesame, kinako (soybean flour). We also made ohagi with pumpkin, sweet potato, edamame (soybeans), and tofu paste. And added some fruits and nuts to decorate it.
It was heartwarming to talk with the participants about their favorite ohagi, their first ohagi episode, the taste of their grandma's or grandpa's ohagi, and other family memories. Wagashi is deeply related to the lives of Japanese people and their lives, isn't it? I am happy to share the time to cherish the seasonal milestones with you all.
I would like to express my gratitude to my ancestors.
I hope you all have a good day.
#Ohigan #autumnequinox #colorful #veggie #ohagi #vegan #glutenfree #Japanese #confection #wagashi #秋のお彼岸 #進化系おはぎ #ビーガン #グルテンフリー #和菓子 #オンラインレッスン #和菓子 #杉井ステフェス淑子 #toshikosteffes #topicowagashi
#クリーブランド #オハイオ #Cleveland #wagashistudio #japanfoodgopan #instafood #foodpic #IGersJP #lin_stagrammer