English follows Japanese. 暦は夏至。暑い日が続きますね。6月30日に食べる和菓子「水無月」は、この半年間の身の汚れを祓い、これからの半年の無病息災を願って食べる和菓子。今年は葛と3種類の甘納豆でつくりました。半夏生と宇治抹茶とともに。三角形は氷を表し、小豆は魔除けです。2022年これからの半年が、みなさまにとっておだやかでよき日々となりますように。 ”Geshi 夏至” is one of the twenty-four periods of the solar year, June 21th - July 6th. The Japanese confection in the photo is called Minazuki, which is eaten on June 30th in Kyoto Japan. Eating Minazuki is said to ward off evil spirits from the past 6 months, and to act as a prayer for good health for coming 6 months. May the next six months of 2022 be peaceful and good for all of you.